A better way to protect your inbox

Secure your email inbox with a set of open-source tools protect you, or your company, from spam, phishing and malware

  • Easy to use

    MailGuardian has a simple and easy to use web interface. The interface is built with cross device usability in mind so that it will work on your smartphone, tablet and desktop computer.

  • Solid technologies

    Unlike other frontends for the popular MailScanner application, MailGuardian is built with Python and PostgreSQL to allow growth and easy scalability.

  • Best in class

    By building on top of these great tools, we make it possible to easily customize and extend your system to suit your specific needs.

  • RESTful API

    Easily integrate MailGuardian with your existing business applications, or management software, using our secure RESTful Web-API.

  • Scalable by default

    MailGuardian was built from the ground up to be highly scalable and has built in features for businesses to brand the application as their own.

  • Multiple access levels

    We have built MailGuardian as an application that works both your internal use or as the platform for a commercial email security service.

  • Manage multiple systems

    Due to the scalability of MailGuardian, it is possible to easily and convenient deploy and manage multiple hosts running the MailScanner engine and managed by MailGuardian.

  • Fully open-source

    MailGuardian is fully open-source under the GPL V2 license and all sourcecode is available on our GitHub page.

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